
  • 16-18 Days
  • Max People 32

Camping in the mountains is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The feeling of being surrounded by towering peaks and pristine wilderness is simply unmatched. However, camping in the mountains can also be challenging, especially at high altitudes like K2.

At high altitudes, the air is thinner and the temperatures are colder. This means that you need to be properly prepared with the right gear and clothing. You also need to be aware of the risks of altitude sickness and be prepared to take preventive measures.

Despite the challenges, camping in the mountains is a truly rewarding experience. The sense of accomplishment you feel after reaching a high camp or summiting a peak is unmatched. If you are looking for an adventure that will challenge you both physically and mentally, then camping in the mountains is the perfect choice for you.

Trek information:

Days = 16-18 Days
Max-Elevation: = Base Camp (5100m)
Max-Elevation: = GGLA (5700m)
Trek zone: = Restricted.
Range = Karakoram Pakistan.
Ideal Seasons: = June to Sept
Group Size: = 4-32 peoples


Recommended Personel Gears:

  1. Rucksack
  2. Sleeping bag
  3. Sleeping mattresses
  4. Head cover (scarf)
  5. Trousers
  6. Tights
  7. Full sleeves t-shirts
  8. Water proof trouser
  9. Water proof jacket
  10. Light cotton socks
  11. Woolen socks pairs
  12. Gloves (water proof)
  13. Woolen cap
  14. Sun cap/hat
  15. Sun glasses
  16. Water bottle 1.5 ltr
  17. Trekking stick
  18. Head torch (high beam)
  19. Extra cells for torch
  20. Sun block
  21. Lip salve .
  22. Knife
  23. Trekking boots/ covered joggers
  24. Chappal
  25. Small towel.
  26. Personal Camera for photography etc
  27. Extra cells/battery for camera
  28. Soap
  29. Harness, Helmet , 2 carabineer , crampon


  • 100% will be refund if cancelation made 7 days before departure.
  • 50% will be refund if cancelation made 3 days before departure.
  • Refund will be done with 6 working days.

Our Terms & Conditions are strictly followed and applied. We encourage you
to read the following and agree with them carefully before booking a trip
with us.

  • All members would give extra care for the local environmental care
  • .Garbage (tins. Water bottles, wrappers etc) shall be suitably disposed
  • without polluting water sources.
  • During the trip, the itineraries may be affected by reasons beyond
    control of the hosts. In such situation, organizers will not be held
    responsible in any case.
  • On steep ascends in mountainous areas; air conditioned of the buses
    will be operational on on-off basis to keep the vehicles from
  • Every humanly possible care will be taken for the safety of members,
    still each venture can be fraught with endangers of unforeseen natural
    disasters like avalanches and crevasse falls or any other accidents and
    sometimes such disasters cannot be ruled out. In any such type of
    accident during the whole tour, the company, group leader and the
    tour organizers will not be held responsible in any form.
  • In case of theft, lost or damage to personal belongings during the
    duration of the trip, organizers will not be held responsible in any case.
  • On adventure trek of this type, weather, local politics, transport or a
    multitude of other factors beyond the control of organizers can result in
    a change of itinerary. It is, however, very unlikely that the itinerary
    would be substantially altered; if alterations are necessary the Leader
    and Guide will decide what is the best alternative, taking into
    consideration the best interests of the whole group.
  • The Organizers reserves the right to use event photos for
    electronic/digital media.
  • Smoking in the transport is strictly prohibited.
  • The Organizers reserves the right to terminate / regret any participant
    due to indiscipline.
  • DestinationK2 Adventure
  • Departure/Return LocationRome F.K. International Airport
  • Departure TimeWill be announced
  • Included Package Facility:
    • Vis Facility
    • Domestic Flight.
    • Trekking permit fee.
    • CKNP fee
    • Camping, bridges and La crossing taxes.
    • Accommodations (2/4 night Hotel)
    • Licensed and expert Guide.
    • Expert Cook -staff.
    • Road transport from arrival to departure
    • Three time meals during Trek.
    • Meal serving staff.
    • Sleeping tents+metress
    • Low altitude porters.
    • Porters and staff insurance.
    • Thuraya phone. Call charges not include.
    • Solar power /Electricity generator (for lighting and devices charging).
  • Excludes Package Facility:
    • Additional Services
    • Insurance
    • Entry Fees
    • Any Private Expenses

Tour Plan


Day 01 : Departure

Upon arrival at Islamabad International Airport, meet our representative and
Fly to Skardu by Pakistan International Airplane-PIA, if unable to fly, same day
we will drive to Skardu via Karakorum Highway spending a night at Chilas
Panorama Hotel. Flight Operation from Islamabad to Skardu is subject to


Day 02 : Adventure Beggins

Emergency day in case, flight does not operate on day 02, this day will be
used to transfer the members by road from Chilas to Skardu. Total drive time
from Islamabad to Skardu is 14-16hours. Overnight hotel in
Masherbrum/Baltistan Resort/Sh/Condordia Hotel. All meals are included.
While staff will make final arrangement for the trek.


Day 03 :

Embark jeeps for a full day ride on a winding jeep trail to Askole The last
inhabitance on our way to the Great Glaciers. Highest in the region, the
stone & timber abodes contain dark & narrow stairwells riven by gloomy, unlit
alleys cluster within the embrace of the fertile terraces.


Day 04 :

Walk: 05-06 hrs,


Day 05 :

Walk: 05-06 hrs, Grade:


Day 6:

Acclimatization day. This day is reserved for acclimatization


Day 7:

After an early breakfast. Traverse the junction of Paiju - Baltoro Glaciers
through crevasses & lunch below Liligo, the traditional camp under the
muddy cliffs with fine views of rock spires. Cross the Khuburse torrent early
morning and ramble over two glacier moraines to reach the grassy slopes of
Urdukas offering splendid views of the Trango Tower, Uli Biaho Tower & Bial
Groups. Overnight in tents. Walk: 06-07 hrs.


Day 8:

Walk: 03-04 hrs.


Day 9:

A long walk on the icy Baltoro Glacier. Traverse the Yermanandu Glacier
which flows down from Masherbrum & joins the Baltoro. Magnificent views of
Muztagh, Mitre & Gasherbrum IV. Overnight in tents. Walk: 06-07 hrs.


Day 10:

After an early breakfast, resume a long walk on the Baltoro Glacier to a point
called Concordia - a huge junction of Baltoro, Abruzzi & Godwin Austin
Glaciers at 4000 meters. Within a short radius of 15 Kilometers, stand more
than 39 peaks over 6500 meters. Including 04 peaks above 8000 M. The 360
view offers a panorama of peaks nowhere to be found on this Earth. Walk: 05
- 06 hrs.


Day 11:

This day is reserved to explore K2 base (A day trip 4 hrs. up and 3 hrs. down)
after an early breakfast, resume your walk to K2 Base Camp. Overnight in
tents at Concordia. All meals served by staff. Walk: 07 hrs., Grade: strenuous,
Altitude: 5000m.
Note: (crossing of Gondogor LA (pass) is subject to weather at that time and
availability of robe fixing and rescue team. in case of cancelation then will
back via same.


Day 12:

TREK TO ALI CAMP for Gondogoro La or back via same route.
After an early breakfast leave the Concordia for Ali Camp and we will cross
several side glaciers to reach our right path. After 2 hours we will reach Vigne
glacier, it is also possible to walk on the Vigne glacier which is fairly easy then
walking on the stony bath on the right side of the glacier but it depend on the
snow condition.


Day 13:

A very early start as early as 2 or 3 O'clock in the morning to cross the
Gondogoro la to reach Khuspang. The basic theme behind the early walk to
reach the top of the Gondogoro Pass 5700 metres is that in the morning snow
will be soft and you will not get tired quickly as the sun is not strong, but as sun
get strong snow get soft, snow going to be melt and bring water and stones,
also the chance of ice falls or avalanches. Night stay at Khuspang under shade
of World Beautiful Peak i.e laila Peak


Day 14:

After a couple of minutes of easy walk we will comes onto the glacier. You pick
your way across moving boulders and ice, finally crossing the glacier up to the
camping site to reach Dalsangpa, meaning 'field of flowers', lives up to its name.
It is a beautiful campsite at about 4,150 metres, set between two lakes, with
Masherbrum Mountain and the white glacier cascading down from
Masherbrum Pass reflected in the still water.


Day 15:

Resume trek along the path, Keep yourself on the left side of the lateral moraine,
crossing several side streams. The next hour is pleasant scramble along the stony,
sliding glacier edge, with huge boulders poised above. After refreshment or
lunch at House Hotel, start drive to embark jeeps for half day ride on a winding
jeep trail to Skardu passing beautiful valleys.


Day 16:

Fly from Skardu-Islamabad Int Airport or drive to Chilas/Naran.

Location Map

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